Assists with proper digestion and immune health in large animals.
Are any of your animals showing the following symptoms?
The problem may be due to an imbalance of gut flora (the microorganisms, generally bacteria, that live in the digestive system) as well as a lack of digestive enzymes in the diet.
The cause of this problem can be anything from stress, old age, or even grazing in poor quality soil. Just like humans, animals’ bodies also have a harder time properly utilizing beneficial enzymes as they get older. With Novequin, your animals will experience healthy digestion and immune health.
Novequin is a safe, effective digestive health supplement for all stages of an animal’s life.
Nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract are absorbed most efficiently when the environment is alkaline (pH over seven). Calcium carbonate helps to alkalize the digestive tract, allowing for optimal absorption of nutrients.
IMO is a natural, non-GMO prebiotic fiber for promoting digestive health. When IMO enters the intestines, it is consumed by the probiotic bacteria, allowing the good bacteria to flourish. It has been clinically shown to greatly increase the number of indigenous bacteria in the digestive tract. Clinical studies have shown IMO to be more effective than other prebiotics like inulin and FOS.
A probiotic that has been shown to be clinically effective in the prevention of occasional diarrhea.
Lactobacillus acidophilus is healthy bacteria that produces hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, and other substances that create an alkaline, unfriendly environment for harmful organisms.
A proteolytic enzyme that is capable of digesting a broad range of proteins. Protease is responsible for digesting the bulk of ingested proteins. Novequin contains a blend of proteases to broaden the pH range of the product. This enzyme digests excessive blood proteins as well. When present in blood serum, protease plays an important role in circulatory health.
An enzyme that breaks down starches. Amylase helps ease digestion of excess starches processed in the large intestine.
Breaks down hemicellulose, a polysaccharide that’s present along with cellulose in all plant cell walls.
An enzyme that digests cellulose, or plant fiber. Most animals do not produce cellulose naturally and are therefore unable to use most of the energy contained in plant material.
Directions: Every animal is different. The simplest way to administer Novequin is to add the appropriate serving (see suggested use) to your animal’s meal or into an oral syringe with water. For finicky eaters, we recommended finding a way that best fits your animal’s needs. It’s important to simply find a method that is suitable for the animal’s size and personality. Many animals will eat as if Novequin isn’t there, but this isn’t the case in all instances. Creative dosage methods may be necessary. Any method that enables Novequin to be consumed by the animal is a good method.
*Dosing: The following dosage schedule may be used as general guidelines. Optimal dosage may be different depending on the individual animal’s needs, or as suggested by your veterinarian.
Therapeutic / Medicinal
Amount: 2 Scoops (10 grams)
Frequency: 3 times per day
Maintenance / Preventative
Amount: 1 Scoop (5 grams)
Frequency: 1-2 times per day
Novequin is a highly effective blend of probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes for large animals such as horses and livestock. Enzymes assist with the digestion of food, while probiotics alleviate digestive stress caused by medication and antibiotic exposure. Novequin provides relief to animals suffering with a sensitive digestive system that causes symptoms such as diarrhea, shedding, bad breath, yeast infections, and constipation. The formula replenishes beneficial bacteria in animals’ intestines to ease digestion and improve immune function for long-term health.
Probiotics are medically referred to as a group of friendly bacteria or microflora. Probiotic bacteria favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost immune function, and increase resistance to infection. Animals with flourishing intestinal colonies of beneficial bacteria are better equipped to fight the growth of disease-causing bacteria and pathogens, and inhibit the negative effects of constant antibiotic overexposure.
Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions. Every enzyme has a specific reactant known as a substrate, which can be thought of like a lock and key. Novequin contains several enzymes or “keys” that can “unlock” (or break down) many of the typical types of food common in an animal’s diet.
The enzymes in Novequin are specific to the digestion of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber.
Novequin brings beneficial bacteria found in nature to your animals. These bacteria, or microbes which help to maintain animals’ digestive systems, used to come from the soil where animals graze. Grazing animals kept in contained areas cannot maintain proper amounts of these microbes in their digestive systems. This may lead to them becoming stressed, which affects their overall performance.
By adding Novequin, you will notice a healthier animal right away—and they will look and perform better too.
Yes. There have been no reports of any serious or adverse side effects from putting Novequin into an animal’s daily feed regimen. Clinical studies have shown that even extremely large doses of these enzymes and probiotics are nontoxic.
Novequin can be used safely with other dietary supplements. For best results, we recommend at least one daily dose of Novequin along with our powerful systemic enzyme formula, NEPROFIN.
Every animal is different. The simplest way to administer Novequin is to simply add the appropriate serving (see suggested use) to your animal’s meal. For finicky eaters, we recommended finding a way that best fits your animal’s needs. It’s important to simply find a method that is suitable for the animal’s size and personality.
Many animals will simply eat as if the Novequin isn’t there, but this isn’t the case in all situations. Creative ways may be necessary. For instance, Novequin has been successfully administered using an oral syringe with a small amount of water. Any method that enables Novequin to be consumed by the animal is considered a good method.
Although every animal is different, some owners have reported seeing the effects of probiotics and enzymes within the first day of supplementation. For therapeutic regimens, the progression may be slow for some and quicker for others. Typically, supplementing the product for a minimum of one month's time is recommended, with the best results occurring anywhere from one to three months thereafter.
The formula is Kosher, and a copy of the certification is available by request.
Is Novequin vegetarian or vegan? The formula is vegetarian and vegan in accordance with the guidelines of the AMERICAN VEGETARIAN ASSOCIATION.
Yes, Novequin is non-GMO. The microorganisms used to produce this enzyme product are not genetically engineered organisms as defined by the NATIONAL ORGANIC STANDARDS BOARD. Genetically engineered is defined as follows: Made with techniques that alter the molecular or cellular biology of an organism by means that are not possible under natural conditions or processes. Genetic engineering includes recombinant DNA, cell fusion, micro-and macro-encapsulation, gene deletion and doubling, introducing a foreign gene, and changing the position of genes. It shall not include breeding, conjugation, fermentation, hybridization, in-vitro fertilization, and tissue culture.
Further testing is also conducted to determine whether any common GMO material is present in the product.